So at first glance I really like the "the future San Marcos" text, but I now realize I was being distracted by the fun texture and the blurred out photo in the background. It uses a script text, a tall bold San serrif, and a serif. The main reson I don't like the piece is, firstly, the readability. "2014 the future San Marcos it is here" just doesn't roll off the tongue. And secondly the placement, the "future" text is is up and an angle, while "San Marcos" had a bit of a skew to try and make up for the angle, but fails leaving a weird wedge of negative space underneath the stroke. The "the" is slightly hanging off of the "future" and the "2014" doesn't really seem to be aligned with anything, it's just hanging there. I think this layout had a lot of potential, but it really missed the mark. This will influence my future design work by reminding me to pay closer attention to the grid, because without one stuff like this happens. Also I need to keep an eye out for awkward negative spaces.