Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ashley Tann

Image found at TM Research Archive

This is the cover of a 1964 Swiss Typography Magazine, Typographische Monatsblätter. The purpose of the magazine was to examine Swiss typography and design and expose it to an international audience. The magazine has been used as an important tool in understanding the history and development of modern design. This particular issue was designed by Felix Burman in the typeface Univers. This design has a great sense of hierarchy. Even though the image takes up most of the page, it's clear that the information at the top is important. The rules help bring attention to the information and the different type sizes also indicate hierarchy. The design is sleek and organizes a lot of information in a very simplistic way. I love the longevity of Swiss typography. In the design world, there are a lot of trends and it always amazes me how modern and sophisticated 1960s Swiss design looks. 


A neat project from New York Based Graphic Designer Mike Joyce. Combining a love of Swiss Graphic Design and Punk, he’s created a poster series of famous concerts from the time period, remixed in the Swiss style. I love how incongruous some of the design is to the tone of the music. I’m sure many purists of the music would vent that the energy and fury of the original has been removed in an experiment like this. But in it’s place you can see how Modernist principles were twisted themselves with the evolution of design in the early eighties.

See the full collection here.