Monday, April 21, 2014

Album Cover : 13th Floor Elevators | Caitlin Landingham

Here's the Vinyl album covers for The 13th Floor Elevators, a psychedelic rock group from the 60's. They're type is pretty acid-trip groovy. For the times and the targeted audience it was successful but that kind of type doesn't fly well nowadays unless it's a throwback. I like it. #trippy


Classification: Japanese poster - looks almost like some kind of block print , i'm not sure if they use "serifs" but it looks like a fairly bold and geometric typeface
the poster in interesting because it has a very urgent feel but i don't know what exactly it is saying . The poster is visually interesting ( minus the poorly drawn cartoon man in the center) , because it has a sense of urgency , its very fast paced and seems to be targeting or trying to solicit a feeling of aggression with the viewer .
Audience:POtentially for some kind of factory worker or blue collar worker , someone who would view this sign and relate to the industrial landscape in the back

Influence: I think its important to consider the social effect of this poster and view that as the main area of influence , understanding that type can be used to encourage action or feeling is very important to remember

Tuaca_Casey Sturm

Source: Bottle of a vanilla citrus liqeur, Tuaca
Classification: San-Serif, modern
Description: Brand sticker of a bottle of alcohol, thin, san-serif, modern type face used, product name has a thin stroke of black going through each letter giving them a ridged look, straight foreword, simple, almost elegant.
Enhancement: Gives a high class vibe with its simple modern type arranged in a more unconventional manner. Simple and elegant the main purpose is to draw the viewers attention and make them want to buy. A more expensive brand of alcohol needs a nicer label/look to it in order to make the customer feel like buying it is worth the price.
Influence: Simple san-serif type can be very elegant and modern looking if used in the right context.

Pizza the International Language of MMMMMMMMM....

Classification: San-serif. It might be Universe, but it's a bit warped.

What? I literally found this by looking up 'pizza typography'. Can you tell I'm hungry? It looks like this is just a fan piece from someone who really likes pizza. The word work is clever, even if the content is not. All it does is repeat the ingredients and some other stuff in a different language. The way the type was organized in contours was interesting, yet another example of creating shapes with typography.

Audience: Everyone! Well, unless you don't like pizza. Then I suppose you would just find the typography impressive.

Influence: Maybe this would help with my frustration over being hungry. Every time I have type class I could make a new food! Just kidding, that would just make me more hungry. It would, however, make an interesting pastime if I ever happen to be terribly bored. I do need to learn how to make my type conform to shapes, and this might be a good way to do it. Starting with watermelons, go!

Object/Audience: This was done for packaging for a shop. 

Typography: A Sans Serif and a Serif was used for the type. Black, neaon green, and white were all used as well. ALL CAPS was their go to. 

Influence: On my exhibition this helps because it is playing with different sizes going together, where in my book, different sizes are together as well. 

Typeface/Classification: This type is a heavily modified sans-serif. The type has been rendered vertically and the letters are also abstract.It looks like Helvetica.


: Windows wallpapers
Typeface classification: Sans-Serif
Description: using type to illustrate an iceberg 
How it enhances the messagethere ice represents the part above the water and the berg is large like the mass of the iceberg thats bellow the surface
Influence: I love the way they simply used the type instead of stretching or warping the letterers. They just cropped them to represent an iceberg. It's very simply creative.

Source: Timba & Colab
Typeface classification: Sans-Serif
Description: Apart from the Hand done decorative titling, There are very classic and tasteful San-Serif fonts in all caps coming in and supporting this design. 
How it enhances the message: The vintage feel of this flyer is supported by the san serif font because it relates back to the simpler time of blatant and large scale advertising. the big block letters catch your attention and help get the point across with no frills or unneeded decoration. 
Influence: I love the way you can mimic vintage advertising with current day subjects and get a very classic but new age feel. It's cool to see that the old style of advertising can still be very effective! "If it ain't broke, dont fix it"


Source: Tim Schmits print shop
Typeface classification: Hand-done Serif
Description: A completely hand rendered font that was rendered to mimic modern serif fonts. All caps, and closely kerned to enhance display.   
How it enhances the message: The text is done in a somewhat shaky manner to further exemplify the subject, Clubs and Bones, by Earlyman Apparel Co. The title Clubs&Bones somewhat resembles bones, but is still effective and doesn't come off corny.  
Influence: The graphic is very classy but has a playful side to it too... When you combine a classic approach with playful creativity, the outcome is most often desirable. 

Go Sans | Andrea Johnson

I found this image on interest, and I cannot find where it came from. 

This uses both serif and sans serif type.

This is just a punny little poster for designers and typographers to enjoy. It's also a take on enjoying simplicity.

The layout is very simple, which allows the humor to stand out.

This reminds me to allow my type to speak for itself. If this poster was over produced, the joke would't be immediately recognized. It's important to make sure the typography communicates the message. 

Watch Dogs - Falcon

Source: Watch Dogs Video Game logo
Typeface classification: Sans-Serif
Description: Pretty standard sans-serif typeface with some characterized break up and numbers/special characters placed around the main type to add a digital, glitchy appearance.
How it enhances the message: Being that the game is centrally about the main character having access to almost every facet of an individuals personal information, the technological look of the typeface adds a lot in that respect whilst still maintaining a sense of simplicity.
Influence: The logo is very influential in that it is an example of tying in the subject matter in a simple and tasteful way.