Thursday, January 29, 2015

I love WPAS. This particular one tickles my fancy because of the chosen typeface. I love the minimal weight carried, the enormity of space occupied by the "O" & geometric qualities held throughout the typeface. This particular typeface is a sans serif type from the geometric family, and is hand-lettered, possibly derived from the "Verlag" family. WPA's constantly inspire my design because of their simplicity and bold qualities. They translate well into the medium of screen-print/flat-stock. They also hold a vast selection of typefaces & are mindful of their selections.

Kara Albe

I got this cookbook at Barne's & Noble admittedly for the cover and the pictures inside. His name and "the ultimate" are a sans serif typeface that looks like a combination of Brandon Grotesque and Gotham, while the others are a blocky decorative inline sans serif that I see often but don't know the name. All of the type is letterpress into a nicely textured kind of linen cover, front and back. This book obviously appeals to a younger, maybe hipster audience who appreciates good type, good paper, nice full-bleed photographs and bright colors. Bold and to the point, two typefaces are all that's needed. Hierarchy is established and white space is well utilized along with a cute embellishment that draws the viewer in. I'm really drawn to these typefaces and would like to use these myself, I'd like to learn letterpress. The good design on the outside pulled me in, and it was continued on the inside which is a skill I feel would be valuable, especially in book design.