Monday, April 14, 2014
Description : this is the movie poster for the Goonies re imagined , the typeface is the original one and the silhouette is used to make skull image.
the type appears to be an actual typeface because the "o" is the same , however it has a very hand drawn feel . I like that the letters switch between uppercase and lowercase, but maintain the same height. I also like the lack of symmetry in the actual letters. The influence it has is pretty subtle but i like the type, its not something that i would produce myself , but i appreciate the design
Biennale Contemp : JAAKO | Caitlin Landingham
They used this design for flyers and posters.
The color pallet is one of my favorites and the playful type gives a very summer feel which i'm totally into.
Tokyo Neon Type (Turned Off)
Typeface/Classification: This type is a heavily modified sans-serif. The type has been rendered vertically and the letters are also abstract. This typeface is a custom "Tokyo" font.
Object/Audience: This was done as a neon sign for a project in Tokyo. This version is the sign without the lights on. Ideally, inside of the characters, the shapes would be filled with light and they would descend down the form when lit.
Typography: The vertical orientation of the type gives the overall composition a very sign-like feel. The lines outside of the type also are intended to light up in unison to give a backlit, reflective-type feel, which obviously makes the type much more vibrant as a whole. It is rendered with great detail, which really gives the composition a finished feel to something that originally is very simple.
Influence: I currently am working on an exhibition book and my title page and cover utilize neon signage. This is a great reference as well as a different way of doing neon that very much captures the viewers attention. Would make for a great sign.
v-day card
Typeface: Sans serif
Description: Thread wrapped around some kind of support system to create the different letterforms with a woven pattern. Use of color ads variety.
Message: The way the letters are all connected by the thread adds to the message of unity and strength. They are literally united and strong only together.
Influence: I have always liked the thread type idea and plan to use it sometime in the future
Golds Gym Pass - Falcon
Source: Golds Gym pass
Typeface classification: Serif
Description: Key chain accessory allowing access into Golds Gym, the type face is in a radial shape following the inner image of a weight lifter.
How it enhances the message: The typeface has a strong look to it, and almost looks (to me) like it would fit in Grecian times where body building came to be.
Influence: The typeface encourages to draw from your source material to represent more than just a title for whatever is being displayed.
Design Glossary | Lynn Bataillon
Classification: serif, san-serif
What is it? This is a project describing design terms through typography. The audience is designers.
Analysis: Omez used the meaning of the design terms to create the visuals, such as putting transform tools around a T to describe the word transform or warping a W to describe the term warp. It looks like he took pre-existing type faces and manipulated them instead of making up his own.
Influence: This is a great example of describing meanings of words through how the type is manipulated. I feel like this would be a great exercise for me to try to improve my typography. I think it would help change the way I think about words I use in my work and expand my 'visual vocabulary.'
Palomino_Casey Sturm
Classification: Serif, western
Description: Logotype image of a southern and western themed restaurant. This original type is reminiscent of Outlaw and other similar western style type faces. Letters are well proportioned and Futura Bold underneath (Milwaukee Wisconsin) complements. Pale orange/cream color gives a good old time feel.
Enhancement: As logotype the original type is unique to the restaurant. The old time feel given off by the color choice along with the western type give the viewer a sample of what to expect from the restaurant as far as atmosphere and the type of food served. Good branding.
Influence: Good branding is key to selling a product. Giving your audience an accurate first impression is important to the success of the product/brand.
Way to go Ohio
Type classification: script, three dimensional
What is it?: It is a New York Times Magazine cover by Luke Lucas that confronts the issues the state of Ohio had and what really fixed them.
Analyze the type: The type interacts with the photo as if it shares the same space as the buildings and bridge. It is also in a scripty font that reminds me of those stickers that I got on graded papers in elementary school. I think the humor is derived from the pat on the back that Ohio is recieving for fixing the issues.
How will this influence my work? I love the interaction between the type and the space it is in. I posted a picture of Walter White's work before, and his paintings are a lot like this. For the type to successfully be in the space takes practice and I would like to practice soon.