Sunday, March 30, 2014

Casey Sturm_I Want Candy.

Source: Avant-Sugarde by Samuel Mensah-Bonsu
Classification: San Serif
Description: Poster describing the addictiveness of sugar (at the bottom) while also showing off this typeface built of candy made by Samuel Mensah-Bonsu. Each letter is made of different types of candy all arranged into shape.
Enhancement: This typeface is perfect to describe and bring awareness to the addictiveness of sugar which of course is one of the main ingredients and attractions of candy.
Influence: This is a good example of everyday objects being used to create type. It doesn't have to simply be pen and paper or graphic shapes.

trolli sour brite octopus

Source: empty candy bag
Typeface classification: free handed
Description: playful type to go with sour candy shaped like octopus
How it enhances the message: the bubbled image of the brand has a fun tone to it, while the octopus has a certain fluidity to it that goes well with what it represents.
Influence: the typeface encourages me to remember to have fun with type while still maintaining a sense of pertinence to the subject.