Saturday, February 7, 2015

Robert Johnson post 3

I found this image whilst searching for examples of Bauhaus typography in Google. The NY Metropolitan Museum of art used this poster as advertising for a general bauhaus exhibit, and of course is itself an example of bauhaus typography and style. The unique choices in angle and direction of the text causes ones eye to zigzag up and down the page, taking in items in order of a very successful type heirarchy. The title of the exhibition being the primary focus, leading into the website, location, and finally specific address of the event. Not really having much experience with this style I find myself drawn to the way color is used to section off the page, giving a very geometric feel to the entire design, along with the interesting patterns that make up the graphic design logo. These patterns seem random at first glance, but upon closer inspection reveal a profile view of a face. Once you see the face for the first time it almost feels like stumbling upon some clever little mystery that makes you part of an inside joke. Overall I found myself very surprised by this image and more willing to further explore this particular style of design even further.

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