Monday, February 16, 2015

Deyton #4

I was stuck at my aunt's and uncle's house all weekend in Dallas and we were all very sick, so I just went through their magazines and I found a spread that I liked to blog about.

I do like this spread because it is simple yet grabs the reader's attention and I liked their layout and grid, but I do see some stuff I would have changed. For one thing, I count at least 5 different type faces, and they do not really work together because of how different the styles are, especially the weights of the letters. The types faces also cause a hierarchy problem with the headlines on the second page. The subheads are much more bold and draw the eye, while the headlines are thin and compressed and hard to read, especially when they put it with the purple background. All the being said, the fonts are actually very interesting if you look at them. The word "cruising" on the first page looks cropped, and I can't tell if the subheads on the second page are the same typeface, but instead of all caps they are all lower-case, but it is just an interesting font. I like the font very much, but I think the rest of the article feels too professional or classy for it.

P.S. This is awesome:

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