Sunday, February 16, 2014

"I will honor the spirit of the text"

Source: Internet search

Description: This poster design only uses type and a limited color palette. The cut type really creates a dynamic piece that has an interesting hierarchy. The flush left type that fits in the corners of the larger text is used nicely.The axis on which the type is set is nice, but I do not understand the reasoning behind changing the axis. What was the thought process behind the axis change other than to make it look aesthetically pleasing?

Inspiration: I believe this piece is a great idea, but as I continue to design I would want to make sure my viewer can understand the reasoning behind my design. I appreciate the exploration of the type axis, but  I would want to see the deeper connection conveyed through the design as a whole.
I always enjoy viewing a background because I believe the content is the most important thing on a page and then the design comes next. As communication designers we must focus on what is being said before we begin designing.

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