Monday, January 27, 2014

Jordan Anderson post 1

This is the tube that my fat burners come in. The brand is called “Animal Cuts,” and the lettering wraps around the bottle, hence the multiple pictures. I also added a shot of the lid to get a closer look at their logo and typeface. I have always loved the pairing of red, black, and white; there is something so simple and powerful about the three together, which I’m sure is why they chose this particular color scheme. The portrail of a lean athelete in the background of the A,N, and I also helps to enhance the message of intensity and success while using the product. I really enjoy the overall image/concept, however it can be a bit hard to read at first glance. To attest to this, I had my mother look at it, and she had no idea what the product was called at first; that could definitley become a problem. Despite that, I still like the direction Animal Cuts is taking, and I do like their chosen typeface for their logo (on the lid). I have always been a fan of somewhat deconstructed type, mostly I think because of my fascination with grafiti. Sometimes these kinds of typefaces are hard to read and illegible to a certain extent, but I feel that this specific treatment is very legible and well done. All in all I like the pairings and treatments of the text, and find them to be sucessful in their portrail of the procuct to the user.

Lynn Bataillon Post 1
A young designer, username myfebronia, posted this image of Trent Reznor made entirely of type. Deviantart.

Typeface: The typeface used is a serif font made of sharp edges and thick stems. There are various sizes and shades depending on the position of the letters in the image.

Description of Object: The object portrayed is Trent Reznor, an American singer-songwriter, composer, and record producer. Mastery of values, the subject matter, and the location of posting suggest that this piece appeals to musicians/Renzor fans, artists, and typographers. The purpose of this piece was for myfebronia's design class and he/she posted this to share with the deviantart community. 

Analysis: The sharpness of the typeface chosen is a good visual demonstration of the type of music Nine Inch Nails produces. The layout and the shades clearly communicate form and the overall affect is accurate to real life.

Affects Me: I've always admired the way someone would so meticulously take a single font and create an image. The amount of time that went into this must have been staggering! I can appreciate the effort and aesthetics that go into pieces like this and I hope to use this method in a project of mine one of these days.

I might use a method like this next time I need to make a book cover or even an event poster. It's a great attention getter and almost always makes people want to get a closer look.
Blog Post- Jen Stephenson
Classification- All Serif font
Analyze the piece-  This is not just words arranged in a certain way; it becomes it's very own composed layout only using the type given. The layout itself is what truly makes this arrangement intriguing and I immediately wanted to read the context of the story. I really like how they took a typical story and were able to change it into something more. I also like how the story (small font) is placed to fill in the missing pieces of the large font. At first I thought it was odd, but it really makes the readers eyes easily flow through the story. Overall I think the concept and use of text is successful.Anyone reading the magazine will be interested in this interesting page containing just a usual article.
How this will influence my work- I stumbled upon this image last night and it really struck me as unique. It really has made me think of a completely new idea in composing something as simplistic as an article. The way it is arranged and the contrast between the big and small font has a huge impact that can relate to classwork in this class.

Blog Post – Felicia Curtis


Classification: There are about 4 different types of font, all hand rendered. There is a script, a serif, a sans serif font, and even a mixture of a script and serif font.

Describe object, audience, purpose: This is written on a chalk board with chalk. I think the audience is meant to be designers or at least people who enjoy design. It’s purpose id to show how beautiful and dynamic hand rendered type can be and the different feeling it gives the viewer.

How does typography enhance the message: The typography enhances the message because it is al hand rendered type and the message is about hoe hand lettering is a lost art. It shows that hand lettering can add a lot of interest that computer generated lettering may not be able to achieve.

How will this influence creative work: I think this will influence my future work greatly because I love hand rendered text and would love to incorporate it into future designs. I think this is a great example of how hand lettering can give the overall message and each word its own personality and I think that is a good quality to have as a design element. I also like that although it is an image of only text it still feels very graphic and dynamic.

Ashlee Allen Post1

Source: My closet. Discovery Camp in Columbus, TX  designed these shirts for that year.

Classification: Sans Serif typefaces

Analyze the piece: This piece has many different forms of typography. There are different line weights and sizes that make this piece good. The use of overlap creates a dynamic composition that catches the eye. There is a hierarchy created through color and type size. 

How will this influence my work: I appreciate the comic style that was used in this shirt and will attempt to achieve the same dynamic that is being created. I also admire the chaotic nature f the shirt that still has a hierarchy of the type lettering. I believe that learning from this designer will help be become more well rounded and and more equipped to tackle different styles of design

Post 1 -Samantha Ortiz

Source: Behance
What is it? Beautiful hand written type designed by Raul Alejandro. Classification- script
Analyze the piece: A really nice example of handwritten type. the artist really made the letters his own by customizing them beautifully. The variation of line weight and negative space makes the piece quite intricate and interesting to look  at. 
How will this influence my work? I have always admired other artists ability to play with type and really make it their own. Although I am no where near the level this artist is at, I would like to start incorporating more hand drawn type, or being confident enough to manipulate already existing type to create a more meaningful and unique design. 



2.CLASSIFY TYPE: 4 different fonts. Combination of serif and sans serif. "It" could possibly be "presto" type.

3. DESCRIBE OBJECT, AUDIENCE, PURPOSE: This is a local newspaper dispenser, intended for the students and people of San Marcos. The purpose is to keep people informed, create a sense of community, and keep people reading.

4.HOW DOES TYPOGRAPHY ENHANCE MESSAGE? This typography grabs the passerby's attention. It has variation and enough complexity to be interesting yet remain orderly enough so that it is easily legible. This saying reminds me of the times when a local paper boy would shout out to the crowds passing by. Because the typography is modern, I am much more interested in reading the content of the paper.

   A. To me this emphasizes the value of variation in creative work. I make sure to have enough variation so that it's interesting.
   B. I will remember the aesthetically pleasing effect "3D" letters have. "READ" stands out the most to me, and it is created in a way that makes them look 3D and I find it visually pleasing and interesting.
   C. I have noted the value of adding simple objects that add emphasis. The lightening bolts around "IT" make whatever "IT" is seem more important and interesting. The banner behind "ALL" adds nice color variation and connects you to modern trends in graphics.

Balsam-Wool_Casey Sturm

Source: This is a sign from the side of Centerpoint Station, a restaurant here in San Marcos.
Type Classification: The sign features both serif and sans serif type. The sans serif type is italicized and has a geometric feel to it while the serif type is more solid and reminds me of the outline font Princetown by Dick Jones.
Description: Centerpoint Station is known for its sandwiches as much as for the unique antique signs that cover the outside as well as the inside. This is just one sign that seems to be advertising either a clothing insulation product or some type of housing insulation.
Enhancement: The type is simple, bold and clear. As an advertisement the type should be easy to read and draw attention. The main product is bold and stands out while the purpose and company logo are smaller but not lost.
Influence: I see this type example as being a strong reminder not to get to crazy in my designs. Sometimes simple is the best way to effectively communicate your designs.

Cider_Amy Klimitchek

Source - This is a photo from a site called type witch has a lot of good examples of the use of type on packaging.

Description- The type on the can is placed vertically in order to create a familiar emoticon with the C and the i (the winky face) witch many people are familiar with from texting. Simply placing the type vertically gave the can a personality.

Object- Can of Cider

Typeface Analysis - The typeface is a modern san serif. The designer placed emphasis on the C and i by giving them a black fill color wile leaving the rest of the word cider empty as more of a cut out from the top color of the can. The attention is drawn to the two letters that make a face for the can.

Influence on my work - This kind of design is so clever. I want my work to have this same style of problem solving that is so simple it can be clearly understood by everyone, and at the same time appreciated for being so creative.

Supreme Store-Isaiah Carrasco

Source - This is a photo of the sign that hangs in the front of the Supreme skate-shop in London.

Description- The typeface is futura bold oblique, it is a san serif typeface . The typeface is used heavily in Barabra Krugers design and has become an icon through supreme's use of it.

Object- The object is the store sign out front , its main purpose is to make a viewer aware of the stores location , i would say secondarily it is used as part of the overall design of the store and compliments the minimalism of the store. A tertiary object would be to relay the type of store Supreme is and what its brand stands for, It is very simple , timeless , and bold.

Typeface Analysis - The typeface itself is very iconic and striking , i think the message is enhanced due to its longtime use in consumerist culture and design , although it is minimal the idea of  being "supreme" is perfectly portrayed by the confidence of the typeface.

Influence on my work - I think that this kind of design influences me daily, supreme is my favorite brand and something that i have supported for many years , when i design i'm constantly referencing their use of minimalism and nostalgia to create new work.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ya Dig - Makena Roberts

Source and Object Description:These are the T shirts we made for our volleyball team called "Ya Dig". We tried to make the YA look like the handle to a shovel while the word DIG was in the bottom part of the shovel and the rest is made to look like sand/dirt.
Typeface Description: The font is sans serif and all caps. Its supposed to look like a stencil cut out. 
How does it enhance the message? The typeface works in all caps. It is a team shirt so its easily seen from far away and the DIG stands out and is the first thing youll notice. 
How will this influence my work? It shows you how fun it is to play with letter forms to create objects if need be. Also playing around with negative and positive space.

Tortillas and Lullabies - Sean Falcon

Source: part of a small collection of worldly books in the upstairs living room at home.
Typeface classification: The cover design features both serif (English) and sans serif (Spanish) fonts. The serif font reminded me of one I had seen recently called Mrs Eaves while the sans serif looks like an altered geometric typeface.
Description: The book is obviously aimed towards children but is neat in that it offers the lullabies in English and Spanish while adhering to the same format as the cover design - could be seen as educational as a means to teach both languages to younger audiences.
How it enhances the message: The typography is very neatly arranged on the page to aid in a clear representation of the text: the layout lends itself to making the text just as important as the art depicted among the pages and seems like a natural way to guide young readers along.
Influence: Its funny how we often overlook the simplicity of things when designing: we try to over elaborate on a particular facet of our design when reducing it down to its bare essentials goes a long way. Not having seen this book in probably 20 years, it was refreshing to see such simplicity portrayed throughout the typographical choices and that is one thing that I'll definitely take into consideration for future work.

To Kill a Mockingbird -Sam Popham

Source and Object Description: A book from my bookshelf. The book is an award winning, well beloved story that can be read by all audiences and in my case owned for high school English class but very well cherished.
Typeface Description: The font is sans serif and all caps. The small circle features smaller, lowercase, italicized typeface that works well with the uppercase font. There is lots of spacing between letters.
How does it enhance the message? The typeface matches well with the tone of the book. The story talks about the contrasting feelings of injustice and honor and by using white on black for the title one can feel that sharp contrast. The spacing and the sans serif give off the seriousness of the books content as well. It's not too formal with it's lack of serifs so as to appeal to the more modern viewer. The colors all work well together as also.
How will this influence my work? I really enjoy the color scheme and the simplicity of the design of the typeface as well as the entire layout of the cover. I hope to learn more about simplicity in design with typefaces. I admire the use of fonts in an easy to read format for the reader. The hierarchy is very obvious as well. I would love to design a cover like this myself!

The Little book of Lots of Sudoku- Morgan Thomas

Source: Fed-ex on University Drive book display
Typeface Classification: There is a diversity of serif italic, small caps serif, and hand done illustrative type
What is it?:  "The Little book of Lots of Sudoku" The introduction is by Will shorts.  St Martins Pr Special is the publisher.  The title says it all.  There is just a bunch of sudoku in this.
Analyze the Piece:  There are sudoku books in every book store, but none of the ones I have seen have the type treatment of "The Little Book of Lots of Sudoku".  The combination of the small caps and the italic serif type have a regal, elegant feel.  The type treatment also gives the words a certain Hierarchy.  The small caps are less important words and the italic typeface holds the weight of the title of the book.  The hand type for the word "lots" also has an interesting illustrative quality that is reminiscent of the Beatles yellow submarine movie.  This portrays the playfulness of puzzles and sudoku.
How will this influence my work?:  The hand type is absolutely refreshing.  I definitely would like to try making a bulky, detailed type for an up and coming poster project.  I never thought to do an Italic swash with small caps.  I need to work on hierarchy and this has given me inspiration to use typefaces with more options and are well designed.

Slab Serif Stress Relief- Andrea Johnson

This is a slab serif font that I found on my roommate's hand lotion bottle. At first, the type on the bottle seems rather boring, but with a closer look you'll find that the terminals on the letters have been altered. I think it works very nicely with the style of the bottle; the font is simple and nice, and the terminals mimic the leaves on the bottle. This will influence my work by helping me realize that making small changes to pre existing fonts can give a unique but elegant result.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

WAAITT: Bremen Paper | Caitlin Landingham

This was a newspaper created by WAAITT (We Are All in This Together) Studio based out of Copenhagen, DK. The brochure was created as a part of the re-branding system for Bremen Theater, which is a multi-functional stage venue. This article serves as both a brochure as well as a program.

The paper is folded in 4 different ways which allows the viewer only a glimpse into the letterform. When combined together like the image below, you can see the bold, sans-serif, B that forms in the brochure stacks. When opened up, the brochure has a newspaper-y feel and layout. The simple outlines and straight-forward type hierarchy keep the reader from getting too confused.
To see a few more images of Bremen Paper #1 click here 

It's interesting to see the sophisticated yet playful trend in their re-branding, the type choices for Bremen, and how they carried that trend into the paper brochures.